Franz Habermann’s 1920
Transcribed Letter
Berlin January 18th 1920
Brother and Sister-in-law.
received the last sign of life from you through your letter dated January 31
1905. We answered this letter but we didn't receive any reply from you.
Now that the
horrible world war has ended and with it the postal embargo has been lifted, we
would be pleased to hear from you again, how things went for you over there in
the long 14 years.
What we
are concerned, we can say that up to now things went fairly well for us. Of
course we were not spared living through the war, but we escaped the worst.
Except for the little food, we were spared from everything else. The first 2
years, in 1915-16 we didn't experience much of the war, then things got scarce
and today one needs the whole week’s paycheck just to pay for the food. One
also likes to be dressed properly. For this purpose one would need a small
fortune. The food we receive is allocated by ration cards.
DM 2.76 for the week 1-4 ½ pound loaf of
bread for one person
DM - .50
for the week 2 pounds of potatoes for one person
DM -.56 for the week 20 grams good
butter for one person (good butter means butter, not margarine)
DM 2.50
for the week 200 gram of meat for one person (One oz =28 grams)
Coals we
get 4500 lbs for the year.
This is
our current consumption allocation. Hoping that your conditions are better at
least this is what we are reading in the newspaper.
Now we
like to ask you if any of your sons fought against us. From our boys, 3 were in
the war. Now we like to give a count our family.
1. Hermann
is married. Is now 35 years old.
2. Franz
is married. Is now 30 years old.
3. Berta
is married. Is now 28 years old.
4. Lieschen is not married. Is now 26 years old.
5. Willy
is dead. Is now 24 years old
6. Alfred
is not married. Is now 22 years old
7. Hans
is dead. Is now 20 years old.
8. Grete
is not married. Is now 18 years old
9. Artur
is not married. Is now 17 years old
10. Frieda
is not married. Is now 12 years old
Are you
also that many?
Franz and Alfred were in the war and came back healthy. If any of your sons are
still here, that is if one was here at all, then write
to him and give him our address so he can visit us.
Albert had 5 sons in the war. The first died in the battle of Tannenberg, the next two came back whole, the fourth is wounded and is in a French prisoner of war
camp, the fifth received a shoulder blade injury. Furthermore I would like to
hear how aunt Kautz is doing and how her two
daughters like it there.
If you
know their address, do me a favor and send it to me.
Now I
like to ask you a favor. Could you describe the conditions over there in
detail? Alfred and Artur are employed by the Commerce Bank of East Africa and the German East Africa Bank. Alfred
by the first, Artur by the latter. Both companies have branches in East Africa. The boys hope to be able to make a trip over
to you but right now it's still impossible; that's why they keep thinking of
going to another country because here in Germany are no opportunities.
Alfred has completed his training. Artur has still a ½ year left to finish his training. Will
you be so kind and send word in regard to opportunities. Both have some
knowledge of the English language. Now I will end this letter. I send you
heartfelt greetings and remain expecting your answer.
brother, brother-in-law and uncle
Habermann and Family
Address: Franz Habermann
Berlin N. 31
Brunnenstr. 22